Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Well golly gee.. Geeoff I'm Reich sorry for the fire of all them papers, books and destruction of all that personal and private property that was to be returned to its rightful owner once he buckled down to the straight and narrow,it was only meant to go to storage.Once we let him and them out of jail and he saw our "light" he could have gotten all his crazy crap back.Instead he went and died on us while we were keeping him safe from himself and away from others who may spend a miniute or an hour contemplating his thoughts. Afterall that could be dangerous to our upbringing. These days some forenign dude, well he wouldn't even have to be foreign just having a foreign sounding name like Zaikesman or Guidocorona or even a common name like my own DeVuono well lets bring on the wiretaps and hell with the law lets do whats Reich.Remember the Clever Little Clock....its a ticking,so you better run for cover. Tom
Yep Tom, "Orgonomy" is crackpotism, so I'm a book-burnin' wire-tappin', false-imprisoner. I don't go for astrology or crop circles either, and I step on cracks in the sidewalk -- hell, I don't even play the lottery -- just call me a megalomaniacal facsist!
I tried something last night that was major major upgrade. I took some LSD. While the LSD does not act on the system directly, it has a profound affect on the listener. Man, things sounded pretty incredible. It was even better then my MDMA trip last month. I was also definitely traveling through time. Pink Floyd's The Wall lasted for what seemed like an eternity and yet I am certain that the recorded content on the CD is not much longer then an hour.
It appears that some folks on this thread are on glue which definately explains the acceptance of the CLC including bizarre explanations.
Phd, I think the purpose is just the opposite of what you post. It is to subvert the discussion of the CLC.