marsh a200s

any opinions on this amp after being out long enough to have been around.i am thinking about mating with tube pre,ae-3 in-particular.also considering c-j sonographe.any tech. issues mating either with aes pre? the marsh stuff seems to have faded from grace,so well regarded once.any input from direct,or past,user's of any of these three.thanks in advance.

I had a question about an Innersound preamp. I had to make repeated phone calls/e-mails to get a question answered. I contacted the OEM, Coda, and they answered my question on the first call.

Your Innersound amp was also designed and built by Coda, They have always been responsive in the past.

Rick, thank you. I knew my Innersound amp was made by Coda and Innersound I guess is heading in a new direction. At least that is what someone said when I asked what was going on at Innersound. They said they'd wait for Innersound to make the announcement and would say nothing more. Thanks for the heads up that Coda will answer my questions.

Here's some more Innersound info, right from Roger...
Great read. That's so sad. I'm glad my amp is really a Coda or I'd sell it for sure. This kind of business is very annoying to hear about. I'd bet Leeds must be having trouble and it sounds as though he deserves it. I don't like to judge but the way that post has been written I'd be surprised if it were lies as Sanders could get sued. Something he wouldn't want being low in money. Wonder what Sanders is doing these days?
I Agree wit Warerwh the amps are decent by the after sales service and the uncertainty of the company should be enough to have you consider other options. Personally, I have witnessed the after sales service and it is one of the in the industry.