Is this typical Service?

I contacted Classe' and inquired about having my amp-Classe'Ten, and Classe'Four serviced.I suspect a problem with the amp although at the moment its working ok.
Classe' replied it would take a minimum of 4hrs to check out each unit at a cost of $75US.
I asked about the lifetime warranty and Classe' replied they would honour it provided I had the original receipts and boxes.
Does $75US(this is a Canadian copmpany)seem excessive and what is the big deal with the original boxes.Most people throw out the boxes after 14 or so years.
Is Classe' being fair charging over $600US plus shipping just to examine the amp and pre,or am I just an out of touch miser?
They likely want the boxes to be sure they will be properly protected when shipped. They've probably have had gear arrive broken from shipment, and they end up spending time and money fixing the gear from shipping damage, not even counting the warranty repair in the first case. They may not know if some damage was from a problem with gear or from shipping.

If an owner packs it poorly, why should Classe pay for the damage?

If the $75 is refundable if they find something wrong that is covered under warranty, I suppose the charge is standard practice. Most independent repair shops want a deposit.
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Check with Classe. Conrad Johnson will ship new boxes with the proper foam inserts (for a nominal charge) for you to send gear back to them.

Poor packing is UPS's most common defense for not paying an insurance claim.