How will you position the tubes in SP11 MK2

Hello every audiophile, a few questions need your expertise. I think the tubes in ARC SP11 MK2 don't require match pair(s) or match three, don't they? If you have 4 Mullards and 2 Telefunkens, how would you position them? Also, if you have 3 of each brand, then how will you do? And how about 4 Tele and 2 Mullards?
Not sure if it'll help,but I used different brands,but 3 of the same tubes (singles) . 3 in phono and 3 in linestage. Being as the linestage was used for digital I used a softer warmer tube ( Gold Aero "Yugo" Platinum ) and in the phono I used a nos British trio. Never had a problem and worked very well.I would suggest at least use trios as the same,but not necassary to be the same in linestage and Phono section.
Thanks Thorman. Just a bit unfortunate there is any Gold Areo anymore. I agree with you if you need a warmer sound in the line stage and 3 with the same brand (of course even identical will be better) in each stage.
I used Siemens ECC88/6DJ8 for line stage. A bit warmer and softer than the Amperex. Didn't like the Mullard at all.