A bit taken aback by the rhetoric against the Prima Luna amp. Certainly one is entitled to speculate about politics and religion on any forum out there...... not so sure this is the best place to air such views unless of course the person posting knows something the rest of don't. The world can be a nasty place for sure but shouln't we as music enthusiasts judge equipment on factors other than country of origin. Personally I base my buying decisions on A) how it sounds B) how it looks C) what it costs D) will it be reliable I do not buy my equipment based on magazine reviews, indeed I gain better insights throuh online reviews.
If we start down this slippery path of a built in bias against products
that don't conform to ones view of how the world should operate then we are truly on the horns of a musical and ethical dilemma.
The good thing about a free market is that the market will decide
who prospers and who fails.
Consider for a moment the coffee you drink----is it fair trade coffee-----what about your cereal--- is it genetically modified by a large corporation that put small farms out of businness. Do your burn cds or dvds that friends lend you? It goes on and on.
I own a lot of equipment including some that might be condidered to be built by underpaid workers in China (a Jolida 502-B) which is very similar to the Prologue 2. So far it works perfect . I bought it because it met my criteria listed above. I could not find an appropriate North American built amp that could meet my criteria . A wise philospher once wrote that that which does not kill me can only make me stronger. It would seem to me that these kind of products are (in the long term) a positive to an industry and a hobby that desperately needs new enthusiasts if it is to survive.
Sorry about the ramble and a good day to all.
If we start down this slippery path of a built in bias against products
that don't conform to ones view of how the world should operate then we are truly on the horns of a musical and ethical dilemma.
The good thing about a free market is that the market will decide
who prospers and who fails.
Consider for a moment the coffee you drink----is it fair trade coffee-----what about your cereal--- is it genetically modified by a large corporation that put small farms out of businness. Do your burn cds or dvds that friends lend you? It goes on and on.
I own a lot of equipment including some that might be condidered to be built by underpaid workers in China (a Jolida 502-B) which is very similar to the Prologue 2. So far it works perfect . I bought it because it met my criteria listed above. I could not find an appropriate North American built amp that could meet my criteria . A wise philospher once wrote that that which does not kill me can only make me stronger. It would seem to me that these kind of products are (in the long term) a positive to an industry and a hobby that desperately needs new enthusiasts if it is to survive.
Sorry about the ramble and a good day to all.