Newbie wants tube recommendations

I have always had some form of a stereo since I was a kid. About 5 years ago I started a home theater system with an Onkyo HT receiver and some Polk book shelf speakers. I then bought some Axiom speakers. I then got a Parasound HT amp. The Parasound amp is rated at 220w at 8 ohms and 300w at 4 ohms. I am still using the Onkyo as a pre/pro.

Well about 2 weeks ago, I bought a pair of Legacy Audio Classics. The classics sound way better than the Axioms ever could. Now I kind of have the bug for trying some tubes. Never have and just wanted to see if I like the sound. I am looking for recommendations for something that doesn't break the bank, but gives me a feel for tubes. Any suggestions?
Glad to hear that your new equipment has had a positive influence on your wife. It is important to note that to arrive at your present destination you went through the Jolida portal. If anything this proves that products like the Jolida have a useful role to play even if the only role they fulfil is considered entry level. Think of all the newbies buying used Jolidas at 50% off list price on the used market. Certainly not a bad thing. I like my Jolida and I consider it to be musical and a fabulous bargain(well above entry level). Even if the 502 B is only the journey and not the destination- --it is still a great sounding amp that will satisy the majority of those whom hear it. If I want to up the ante then I bring out my DIY tube mono blocks and my Sonic Frontiers Line 1. Companies like Jolida and TAD (Tube Audio Design) source from China but inspect and assemble in the USA. Funny, don't hear many people complaining about the TAD 60, which seems to have many strong testimonials complete with its own thread. Just for the record, I am not a paid spokesman for the above discussed companies. However, I won't complain if someone wants to slip me a few dollars for uh..uh....yeah ....retubing !!!
I've listened to the Legacy Audio Classics with tubes a few years back, they sounded great. I'm sure the Jolida will have several qualities that will be pleasing...strong bass response will not be one of them.

Not much point in owning near fullrange speakers and not being able to to enjoy to the last drop so to speak. Regardless of amp types...SS or tube, the two must compliment each other as a working team.

That said, I'm sure you will still enjoy your new Jolida Gssrjpc...a great learning experience (that you will enjoy) for not a lot of money!...way better than a great learning experience, for a lot of money (I've had a few of those HeHe).

Mapleleafs3, glad to hear you are not prejudging equipment and I am sorry I assumed wrong. My guess is that at the dealer, where you listened, they were using the stock tubes which are much less than stellar. A very basic upgrade of the preamp and power tubes to just better current production tubes makes a world of difference. As for:

[qote]It (the Jolida) is an ok product and is very good to upper Mid-Fi. Its not in the same class as CJ,Rouge,Audio Aero, Unison.[/quote]

I owned the Jolida for 15 months (until I upgraded to SET) and owned the Unison Unico integrated for 3 months at the same time and compared both. Built wise the Jolida feels like midfi, but soundwise the Unico is not even close to the Jolida: The Unico sounded veiled, lifeless, with fatiguing highs. I rolled tubes in both and the Jolida (WITH UPGRADED TUBES) is way better. I really wanted to like the Unico (remote!) but it was not even close.

The Audio Aero Prima MK1 integrated was much better than the Unico and similar to the Jolida, better bass, but not quite the midrange of the Jolida.

I can't compare to Rogue, but the Cronos is three times the price new, so that I would expect much more of course. Also, the Rogue amps come with much better stock tubes right out of the factory.

Anyway, just some minor differences in opinion here, but as VINYLROW mentioned the Jolida is a great starter product, and much better than a Unico in my opinion.

Just my 2c (once more),

Agree with some of the responses esp restock's comments. When i had my classics for a time I used Jolida 801 and it was wonderful, beautiful sounding. Lush and excellent tonality. A truly excellent system for not a whole lot of money but was always wanting a little more spl and lower end. It just did not get the volume levels in my fairly large open room that satisfied me long term, and I believe its a fair bit more power than the above Jolida amps mentioned. The Arc VT100's had more dynamics, bloom and body and vocals were to die for. I'd be happy with the Jolidas in a smaller room as the sound was more refined than the ARC, but for smaller scale music, vocals, jazz, acoustic etc. Honestly, I don't think you'd be let down with the Jolida at all with those caveats but you also won't hear everything the Classics are capable of either.
In my mind there is no question about the high value of Jolida gear. For many, it may be the end of the line and with good reason. In selling the 302B, I don't feel in any way that I got rid of it so much as I am glad it now has a new home and that someone else gets to begin the journey I am enjoying. Or perhaps for that owner, this will be all that is required for the long haul. For a smaller room such I had before I moved, the 302B was perfect and I didn't require any more oomph, but with a larger room to fill now, the Rogue serves the need much better. And, depending on where and in what condition one purchases a Jolida, it may not necessarily be only 1/3rd the price of a new Cronus. Some 302Bs go for nearly a grand especially if they have been modded.