Does the name GainClone ring any bells

I saw a ad on ebay recently describing an intergrated amp associated with GainClone. The seller provided many links and it seems this amp is linked to the 47labs fame somehow. Curious as to what info others may have. Thanks and good listening!
There were an army of Do-It-Yourselfer's(DIY'ers) who committed themselves to figuring out the design behind 47 Labs famed amp a few years ago.

Checkout Since there were only 9-15 parts in the whole sheebang, it didn't take long. A decent working model really shouldn't cost more that, it is solely dedicated to DIY Gainclone designs. Also's ChipAmp forum.

Since there were only 9-15 parts in the whole sheebang, it doesn't cost a lot ot make one, although it did take a lot of experimentation over a a couple of years to get the best out of it. The evolution of the GainClone was an impressive group effort to watch. Some pretty talented people were actively involved along with a slew of beginners. Literally hundreds of permutations were tried. Which really stands as a testament to the effort 47 Labs put in because it was all done by a single person. (though, his prices - sheesh!)

Anyway, some of the DIY crowd went on to make actual commercial products. sells complete Gainclone kits of tried and true high-performance designs. Everything you need for ~$80.00, excluding chasis and knobs. Also, Peter Daniel, one of the mainstays and leaders of the DIY movement went on to offer the Audiosector Patek line of amps as reviewed favorably by webzine. They also sell kits.
Sorry about the confusing 2nd paragraph, I accidently cut and pasted a section out of order.
I thank you for your reply and info. I did do a little research with the links supplied from the seller. I even registered with diy audio to see what's going on in that camp. The pics provided show a really nice build and with few parts as you mentioned. Sonics are the order of the day for me however and without a source to audition its a little tough to make a decision. The seller has decribed the sound of this piece and with my musical tastes(acoustic jazz,gospel,vocals)it seems that this might be something I could live with. Stay tuned.