How to upgrade a nondetachable power cord?

My Conrad Johnson amplifier has a captive power cord.
I have bought a VH audio diy kit to make a new power cord. So, What do you recommend?
- Cut the original amp cable and put a female connector and then plug the new cord
- Open the amplifier and attach the new cord inside the amplifier. This would take a big hole to do it.
Please give some advice
sometimes the original dedicated cord is the best cord. i'm sure conrad-johnson knew what they were doing.
The last time I looked into the "how to" of this matter, it seems to me there were chassis punches available that accommodate either 15 or 20 amp IEC receptacles. I'm sure you can find them to purchase, or (even better!) a repairperson who has them, and would do it for you for a small charge.
I would contact CJ about them installing an IEC as they will give you better advice than anyone else can. Otherwise I am with downunder don't mess with it.

Tomorrow I will finish the female instalation. I will tell you the results.
I understand that CJ put the captive power cord for some reason and in that time (mid 80s) it was the better option. But maybe today is not the better option to go.