This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
In the lower ranges of hi-end - say to 5000$ - probably. In the upper reaches - not quite yet. The big Krells, Lamms etc still sound considerably better than any of the digital switching amps.
Bel Canto has always been a class D proponent. They just gave up on the inferior Tripath chip for ICE technology. Other big names are experimenting with class D chips. Jeff Rowland embraced ICE modules years ago.
I don't know of any solid state amp I would consider over my ICE amps.
Move on Muralman1! The ICE age is over. Next up..UcD. You could probably get the module (from for a few hundred bucks and drop it into your H2O with the power supply you are so fond of.
Every ears and every system is different. What makes you so sure that the uCD will outperorm Ice-based in general and the H2O in particular. And more importantly, that Muralman1 will like it better on his Scintillas. There is one case that Nuforce was preferred over the H2O stereo. And in other cases, The H2O slaughter both the Nuforce and the uCD-based D200 as well.....YES THE CIA D200! What Ice-based amps have you heard may I ask?
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