Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
No mfg will will ask audiophiles if its ok with them to dispense with the analog power supply and go to one that switches. They will promote it as a major advancement since it will be cheaper to build & is considerable lighter. However in the end it will be left up to the consumer if this fairly new technology is acceptable.

There is no question that digital amps are in our future because they eliminate large expensive heatsinking & some of them sound pretty darn good! My current amp is digital with a linear (analog) power supply. But there are still some very good analog amps around that sound excellent, including tube power amps!
Muralman1...You do realize that I am pulling your leg a bit? Of course I have read your many comments about the H2O. I have also read many comments by others, who don't always agree with you. As Scintilla sez "Every ears and every system is different".

I confess that I have had only slight listening exposure to ICE based amps. One reason that I lost interest in ICE is that you and some others insisted that the on-board switched power supply is no good and the ICE module requires a conventional power supply (which you call "linear"). If the on-board supply is not used the price of the amp gets out of line.
Eldartford, Ok, just call me Mr. Sensitive. Two things price the H2O Signature ($2,800) as high as it is.

!) It is completely hand built in America.

2) A big conventional power supply does come at a premium price.

Like I point out in my review, not everyone is going to find it to their liking plunked down in their present system. I had to re-educate myself on how to bring out it's best.
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