Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
Muralman1...Don't you see that being less than truthful about where the amp is made hurts your credibility about other aspects of the amp. We don't care!!! You raised the subject.

The case is very pretty. But if it costs $400 that would be more than the ICE amp itself, and raises concern about Mr Ho's design priorities.
Eldatford, I resent you impinging my integrity. The amp is made in America. The module is made in Europe. It's all semantics. You tend to think the amp is the incomplete module, while I am talking about the whole component. I think the people here are smart enough to see the difference. Being that the 500A is not a stand alone amp just lends to my credibility.
Muralman1...I do not doubt your integrity. Sorry if it came across like that. I guess I should have said "accurate" instead of "truthful".

The usual description of products like this is "Assembled in USA with parts sourced from _____"

I do think that the amplifier module represents the heart of the unit, and that the power supply, the case, the connectors, the power cord, etc which are of very conventional design are of secondary importance.

"The thing is, I consider Henry's pricing a steal. I wasn't concerned about ditching $16,000 monos for Henry's $5,500 monos. However, I would think twice before I pay over $2,000 for a module in a box.

Really, I thought you went from "$16,000 monos" to an Amp made in Denmark by Peter the Great of eAR fame.

Or is that just another way you bend your reality?
OK, well back to to title of the thread, if that's OK with everyone? For what it's worth, I have owned a Bel C. Evo 200.2, Spectron Musician II, and had a two week audition with the S250 H2O amp (non-sig. version) and to MY ears, in MY system, the NuForce 9.02 beats them all, in every way that is important to truthful and emotionally involving music reproduction.

Larrytwo - you would do well to audition the NuForce and probably the Channel Island D200's, as both are more affordable than most if not all of the above aforementioned amps, and have a 30 day trail period.