Hi Denf,
Thanks for the info. As for being able to swing 4.5V does mean much if it couldn't provide the current. Please don't get me wrong. Like I said every system and what a particular listener considered as GREAT, is different from system to system. And a prime example of that is exactly what Elberoth2 just said which is completely opposite to your belief.
Yes, I have heard the Nuforce 9.02. To my ears, it does not have to even take the H2O stereo signature to compete with the Nuforce. The Standard stereo H2O will be fine, in a right system of course. As for comparing to H2O signature series, both stereo, and specially the H2O mono Signature, will leave the Nuforce behind. Having just said that, Then again, as you noticed, there is a gentleman woodburger preferred his Nuforce over the H2O stereo Signature.