Any Boulder pre/power amp users here?

Soon I'll get a Boulder pre/power combo and wonder what the Boulder owners use for the IC's. My dealer said Boulder specifically recommends to use its own cables, which are somehow very cheap compared to their amps. I have no idea what these cables are and wonder if these cables are as good as other high-end cables which we know.

So, I'd like to know if anybody tried any Boulder IC's from CD/DAC to the preamp and pre to power and compared them to other cables.

Also what would you use as speaker cable from Boulder poweramp to Wilson Audio Maxx2?

I've had a Boulder 2060 for the past 2 years with which I use their power cables and it is outstanding. I currently use Nordost Valhalla cables elsewhere in my system and it seems to be a very good match.

David Shapiro
have the 1060 and recently went from harmonic tech speaker cables up to purist venustas which mates well with the 1060 and was a significant improvement, in fact i am considering changing my kimber select interconnects to purist
Yes, this is also what I'm getting for my Boulders. Indra IC's and Stealth Dream speaker cables.
Boulder doesnt´manufacture cables. On most occasions (ehibitions) Boulder uses TaraLabs top-of-the-line cables (Omega and Zero) together with Avalon speakers and I think DCS CD/SACD-Transport.

A friend of mine has got a full Boulder, TaraLabs set up but uses ACapella Sphäron Excalibur speakers and a no longer manufactured Barclay X-1 CD-Transport.
Hope this helps.