Future of analog controlled class 'D' amps?

Here's an interesting article on the technology

Does anyone here think that they will ever compete with class 'A' amps in terms of sound quality?
Ndeslions, I'll second that. there are other giant slayers out there too, like CIAdio, and the amps I am using, the H2O Signature monos.
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UcD = Universal class D. which is a technology, not a company, invented by the man who wrote the article I linked to.

I think Bruno was much too pesimistic, a couple of companies have purchased a license to this technology and I'm sure there will be more to follow.

Some will want to make their own audiophile grade class D amps from scratch. Can you imagine ATC deigning to license technology from another company?

BASH is a digital switching class D based architecture developed by a company named Indigo. Several manufacturers have licensed it. Polk is now using it in their LSI subwoofer.
Ndeslions, I'd like to agree with you because I could stop with the foolishness I'm in up to my neck with already. But the amps you mentioned don't challenge even what *I'm* doing so imagine what would happen if someone came along that could get it right :)

Seriously, they do have a ways to go yet.
I have to whole heartily agree with Ndeslions - the Ref. 9.02 are also the finest amps that I too have owned (& heard) and the list is l-o-n-g. I still just shake my head in disbelief at how good they sound for their price.