Sound Valves VTA-70 Repair & Gold face plates

Does any one know who repairs Sound Valves equipment or how to get spare parts? Also i am looking to add the gold face plates so any help would be great !!!

Bob 717-232-4683(EST)
Although now in the coin business while still selling some audio parts, John Peterson, going by the username soundvalves is still active on Ebay. If you contact through the Ebay email system I believe there is still repair capability.
Otherwise, any skilled tube amp repair service should be able to help you.
My own gold-faced VTA-70i amp sounds great although the matching VTP-101i preamp is faced in Henry Ford black.
Do you have any preamp booklet or schematic? I have only the assembly-instruction booklet for the amp.
hi .. i just purchased a sound valves VTP-100 and am also looking for a manual etc. did you have any leads on parts and manuals?

i didnt find any soundvalves info on ebay etc.

thanks for your time and help...
Crabb, Another Audiogon member was kind enough to send me an email of a pdf file on the VTP - 101 preamp. I think this can be forwarded to you. It reached me as a giant size attachment to a brief email.
Using the internal email capability of Audiogon to contact Listener57, you'll need to let me know your email address so this massive file can be forwarded to you.
If you deal with John Peterson (DBA Soundvalues in Ohio) be very prudent in your money transactions. The use of Paypal or a personal check is traceable.