DK Design Group vs. Boulder

Has anyone here compared DK amps with Boulder amps? I am currently using the Wilson Watt Puppy 7s with the DK VS-1 Signature with great results but I have been thinking of switching to the Boulder 1050 monoblocks and the 1010 Preamp. Will this be a meaningful upgrade worth the extra costs? Or should I leave well enough alone?
I just spent the last few years of my life listening to every high end amplifier ever made. The list includes some custom made products that absolutely blew away the Boulder, but I've yet to hear anything that approaches the sonic purity, prodigious, yet agile bass, midrange voluptuousness or the fleshed out soundstage of the latest DK. And yes, I've compared it to amps costing multiples of the GNP of a small African nation. Tubes, solid state, chip amp, single ended, whatever, the DK is hands downs the sonic superior to them all.

In my opinion, the DK is the greatest advancement in audio reproduction in the last 30, no make that 40 years. When I'm an old man and nearing death, my great grand children will be by my side and they'll ask me, "Did you really hear the DK?", and I'll smile knowing that I had lived a full life and had once experienced perfection. Thank you DK!
You are not making sense. Everything could obviously be auditioned at the local showroom. Then I guess there would be no reason to have this forum? Why do people post anything on here? Might just tell everyone - just go and audition it.

Whats wrong with wanting some opinions?
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