I have a different type of system,yet one that is incredibly musical,to me.Rowland modded two chassis 8t amp(switch mode PS in second chassis,taking the place of battery,and even quieter),driving fairly large Avalon speakers,with a REL Stentor sub(coming in at 25 hz).I cannot be happier with my sound,and have owned a ton of stuff.Speakers are quite sensitive,and demand little of this superb amp.So sonically it is really quite effortless.As good a solid state based set-up as I've heard,and to me, at least as good as the high powered tube stuff,as well,though my phono stage is tubed,thank God!
Now for the meat of my post.Though I have friends owning superb high power push/pull tubed designs,all driving superb systems,I am still confident that my set-up remains at the very least,as musical as those systems(almost all my stuff is heavily modded).Actually I prefer my own type of presentation,in my room.EXCEPT---I have always prided myself as NOT being a rationalizer,in this fun hobby.It's hard to admit to something being better,when one has spent their own dollars.Well to be candid,and I only mentioned the info,in the first paragraph to lend some gravity to the following,which is-------I have been exposed to the Lamm 18 watt mono "treasures" on quite a few occassions.Driving Kharma 3.2's,as well as midi Exquisites.I have heard them driving a few other efficient designs,as well.I've also heard the 90 watters,on the same speakers.Though superb(remember this is only my opinion,but I own NONE of this stuff,yet that "Gestalt" business clearly stands out to me,and I've been at this hobby about 37 years)it is clearly the smaller wattage amp that is the "Dream Catcher",when partnering a really good match in speakers.So good,that the business of "does it go low enough,or crack plaster,or would it sound great on an MTV type rig" flies completely out the window.Actually,it's jet propelled out the window!!Glass,frame and all!
I personally think the adding of a sub,if mated with a speaker like the 3.2(I have heard the Kharma sub,on a few occassions)ruins the magic of this amp/speaker combo.That "gestalt" thing again!!
I am SO smitten by the magic of this amp(not necessarily a Kharma speaker,btw,though they are fine,even with the almost absurd overpricing),that I will most likely be HAPPY to give up all the stunning dynamic inpact,and bass depth(not to mention I have damn good tone color as of now,and a stunning soundstage,yet nothing touches the little Lamm mono blocks,Imo)that I live with now.I MUST own these,some day!!Like that character,in the movie "Close Encounters of The Third Kind",I keep saying-"This means something"!I guess I get it.It only took me 37 hobby years,to figure it out!!!
These amps are SO good,to me,that I have completely rearranged my musical perspective.Everything I've loved over the years,and all audio preconceived notions,of how a system should perform,is now DEFUNCT,by the fact that these amps exist.Obviously they will need a simple set-up,with some potential compromises.I don't care!!Nothing wrong with a nice two way,for a different look(actually,"listen")as compared to my previous full range stuff.BTW-I'm quite aware that these amps kick butt,and can deliver quite a full range sound,"if the correct speakers are chosen".There's the rub!!
Best to all!!
Now for the meat of my post.Though I have friends owning superb high power push/pull tubed designs,all driving superb systems,I am still confident that my set-up remains at the very least,as musical as those systems(almost all my stuff is heavily modded).Actually I prefer my own type of presentation,in my room.EXCEPT---I have always prided myself as NOT being a rationalizer,in this fun hobby.It's hard to admit to something being better,when one has spent their own dollars.Well to be candid,and I only mentioned the info,in the first paragraph to lend some gravity to the following,which is-------I have been exposed to the Lamm 18 watt mono "treasures" on quite a few occassions.Driving Kharma 3.2's,as well as midi Exquisites.I have heard them driving a few other efficient designs,as well.I've also heard the 90 watters,on the same speakers.Though superb(remember this is only my opinion,but I own NONE of this stuff,yet that "Gestalt" business clearly stands out to me,and I've been at this hobby about 37 years)it is clearly the smaller wattage amp that is the "Dream Catcher",when partnering a really good match in speakers.So good,that the business of "does it go low enough,or crack plaster,or would it sound great on an MTV type rig" flies completely out the window.Actually,it's jet propelled out the window!!Glass,frame and all!
I personally think the adding of a sub,if mated with a speaker like the 3.2(I have heard the Kharma sub,on a few occassions)ruins the magic of this amp/speaker combo.That "gestalt" thing again!!
I am SO smitten by the magic of this amp(not necessarily a Kharma speaker,btw,though they are fine,even with the almost absurd overpricing),that I will most likely be HAPPY to give up all the stunning dynamic inpact,and bass depth(not to mention I have damn good tone color as of now,and a stunning soundstage,yet nothing touches the little Lamm mono blocks,Imo)that I live with now.I MUST own these,some day!!Like that character,in the movie "Close Encounters of The Third Kind",I keep saying-"This means something"!I guess I get it.It only took me 37 hobby years,to figure it out!!!
These amps are SO good,to me,that I have completely rearranged my musical perspective.Everything I've loved over the years,and all audio preconceived notions,of how a system should perform,is now DEFUNCT,by the fact that these amps exist.Obviously they will need a simple set-up,with some potential compromises.I don't care!!Nothing wrong with a nice two way,for a different look(actually,"listen")as compared to my previous full range stuff.BTW-I'm quite aware that these amps kick butt,and can deliver quite a full range sound,"if the correct speakers are chosen".There's the rub!!
Best to all!!