Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


SirSpeedy, I finally got my SOTA Cosmos setup, and I'm just floored how good it sounds. But then again, this is my venture back into vinyl (which I so happily left back in the 80s for the convinence of remote control and 'instance access'). I'm starting out with the Denon DL-103 and I can't imagine moving up from there. But, someday I just might, maybe when my record collection becomes sizable. Anyway, I have it atop a Symposium Ultra platform like yours as well. Exception sound! I'm using the Loricraft record cleaner as well.

So I take it from your post, a pair of ML2s are in your future? You won't regret it, as you well know.

I'm *casually* on a speaker quest as well, but for now the Living Voices are very very good for their price point. I've heard the Kharma 3.2FE, and I was very tempted. But now that I have the ML2s in my system, the Living Voices really hold their own in many ways.

I'm tempted to try the Zu Driud to hear a xover-less single driver with these amps.
I as well have some ML2's heading my way to potentially replace my ML1's. I feel my Reimer Teton speakers at 95db should be able to handle the lower powered ML2's. Davidri, I will post my comparative comments in a few weeks after I have them up and running.
Onobgyn,I'm happy you've found audio bliss!Seldom done,IMO!Hey,let's not get too excited about things Lamm.We haven't heard the Japanese Audio Note mono blocks (at least I have not).Therse babies go for 250K!!Hmm!Can you spare some dough?

James,REALLY,REALLY happy for you!!You have a lot of fun listening in front of you.

BTW--The Lamms won't make an appearance until I sell my home,in a few brief years.My kids are grown,but I still have to unload my daughter.No rush,she's the love of my life,yet I'll have a cute SET amp,when she goes!Also,I'm kind of smitten by the (once again overpriced,yet indispensible)Kharma Mini Exquisites.Hope I get top dollar,for my house.BTW--due to size it should be an easy sell,to the wife!!
Have any of you guys rolled the 6N6P=E182CC with a bendix 6900, or other 6119/5687 variant?
Onebgyn, I bought the ML2 for exact reason you stated. I have also been told the ML2 is a bit better, and on top of it, a bit less $$$. I have heard the Dartzeel at the recent T H E show on the VR9's, and thought it was nice, the bass was not well defined, and the soundstage was not right. I understand it was SHOW conditions, but, hey SS is NOT SET. I have 12 tweeters, and 12 mid bass in my new speakers. I hope I will find my Nirvana, as well. Thanks for the feedback.

Dmailer, I talked to you before I bought my Reimers, and yes, they are real good speakers, I feel they are a bit tougher to drive than my present Epiphany's. My room is pretty large, almost 20 x 40, and if yours is much smaller, these amps should probably work for you. Good luck my friends.
