Plugging modem wall warts into power conditioner?

I've found that treating my server just like I would a high end transport makes a great, difference to the musicality of my system. In fact, using Signal Cable's Magic Digital power cords with my server along with a PS Audio Power Plant Premier really closed the difference between the PWD and Bridge vs the PWT and PWD. So I was wondering if using a power line conditioner and power cord to plug in the wall warts of my cable modem and wireless modem might also be sonically beneficial? Anyone tried this? If you have not plugged your server or NAS into a power conditioner you might be surprised how much your system will be upgraded.
Agree with Rbautista about substituting a linear power supply of the same rating for the wall wart. Doing that improved sound from two DACs I own ( Muse TDA 1543 and Apogee Mini-DAC ).
For the high end, try Acopian.

For cheaper ones, and sometimes some very good deals, eBay is one place. Another might be a local electronics supply house. For example, in Montreal there is Addison.