Best Budget Choice for Preamp w/MC Built-In?

Greetings and thanks in advance for all thoughtful opinions! I'm putting together a new 2-channel system and now need a preamp to complete the package. The primary source will be a Thorens TD-320 with Denon DL-103R; I'll play CDs as well, but the line stage capability of the preamp will not be as important as the phono stage. The power amp will be an ATI 1502, which will put out about 220 wpc into the 4-ohm GMA Continuum-1's I picked up here on a'gon. (Actually picked up the ATI here as well!)

Now my budget is $250-300, which I know is tiny and inconsequential, but, well, that's it for now, so my choice is likely to be limited to vintage solid state. The guys at audiokarma have convinced me to consider one of the older Yamaha preamps in the C and CX series. The other model I've read good things about is the B&K Pro-10MC.

Has anyone heard these units and have thoughts about them? Are there other candidates I should know about? I don't care whether it has a remote or not -- I'm looking purely for the best phono sound possible in a single-full-function preamp.

Thanks for all help, Rich
You may be able to find a Nakamichi CA-5 in that price range. It was designed by Nelson Pass for Nak. It has a MM/MC phono stage that is very nice. 3 selectable loads. I bought one new around 1988 and still use it in my second system.

Used Rotel RC-995

Maybe Rotel's best. Even has single ended and balanced outputs.

Someone has one on ebay right now; openning bid $250. They tend to go for between $300 and $400 depending on condition, remote, etc.