Linn Kairn internal battery replacement.

hello all,
I've just bought a second hand Linn Kairn (phono) and have powered it up to get the "ERR 2 dont panic" messge. It only cost me 300 dollars so I'm not too upset. Has anyone replaced the internal battery ?? If so does anyone know of a set of instructions anywhere. I've had the case off and its not obvious as to where it is. The brilliant power supply looks nice though.

I dont know much about this pre-amp, so general opinions/comments would be appreciated. I hope Its not going to be a bit of an Albertross.

Wishing you all well.

That sounds like a very fair system.

As I'm going to be going to be converting to a vinyl main source. I'm thinking of trying to get hold of an Ikemi or a genki as a cd front end to replace my 3 box 500 series meridian. Less boxes would be a good thing.

As a second source I'd decided that the cheaper Genki would be a good idea, but a second hand ikemi doesn't seem that much more at 6-800 dollars extra. Is the Ikemi that much of a step up in performance from the genki to make it worth while . ??

your thoughts would be appreciated.

"As a second source I'd decided that the cheaper Genki would be a good idea, but a second hand ikemi doesn't seem that much more at 6-800 dollars extra. Is the Ikemi that much of a step up in performance from the genki to make it worth while . ??"

It is absolutely worth the extra money. I have owned both. There is something about the Ikemi (and I'm sure other CD players of its quality), that for me at least, pass a mysterious threshold where digital music becomes truly involving. The Ikemi is already a good deal on the used market, and it should soon be even better. Linn is coming out with a new CD player to replace it in the near future, and after that there should be a lot of Ikemi's for sale. It is too early to say how much the price will drop, but reason says it should.
Thats a great answer, thank you.

I completely agree that there is a point where digital players become involving and free from significant digital "nasties". I have quite a substantial cd collection so while it will be a second source then it'll still need to be enjoyable and relaxing. I'll keep an eye out for an ikemi.

Thanks again for the excellent advice.


I've encountered the same problem too. The "don't panic..." appeared. Unfortunately my Kairn died on me. No more sound is coming out of it.

Does anyone here have the owner's manual where I can perform a hard reset in hope of reviving my pre-amp?

Or better still, where can I obtain the schematics for the Linn Kairn?

Would appreciate any help at all.

desperate Linn Kairn owner...