NuForce Reference 8 vs. 9


Two questions:

1) How might the two compare driving the Gallo Ref 3.1 (sensitivity 88 dB). Would the 8s be too small to get the base (my room is 17x10x11)

2) What are people using for pres for the NuForce?

"One thing to take into account is that you can't use a Nuforce amp together with the Gallo sub amp on the second voice coil."

This would be according to....?

for the music,
Probably according to Nuforce. I am not familiar with the Gallo's but the Nuforce guys are very explicit in their literature about not connecting their amos in ways that sum the earths or both earth ans signal and I guess that is what hartneed is saying.
I posed the following question to NuForce, via email, after reading the manual available on line:

"Do I understand the NuForce manual correctly that NuForce amps cannot be used with the Gallo subwoofer amp to biamp the Gallo ref3 because that would involve two amps driving a single speaker driver?"

Jason from NuForce responded:

"Yes, you[r] understanding is correct.

I replied:
"Thanks for your quick and honest response."
I am not wanting to catch anyone on a technical point, or to argue ...

And, I still don't feel settled about this issue.

The Gallo bass driver has a second voice coil. Your note to Jason at Nuforce does not make this distinction clear to me.

Though I find the possibility of incompatability plausable, I remain curious if any of you have experienced issues? Based on the positive feedback I have been reading here about the broken-in Gallo systems with sub amps, I had been hoping, at some point when I am feeling more flush, to add the Gallo amp to my NuForce setup.

I could imagine that there could be a conflict with the high damping factor of the amp being modulated by back electro-motive force (back EMF) from the sub amp. Could this be the issue?

Perhaps a word straight from NuForce would be helpful.

for the music,
Powering up the 2nd voice coil with another Nuforce amplifier is not a problem. This is quite different from the issue with an active subwoofer amp taking speaker level input.

However, if you plan to use a signle Nuforce amp driving both voice coil, please be careful and start slow, the halving of load impedance from the parallel connection will draw twice the current and could melt the voice coil if they are not designed to handle the power.