High end amp - my last step

I would like some opinions on buying an amp.

I have some unusual constraints, but a pretty healthy budget.

The constraints:

1) I'm in the UK - 230/240 volts must be available - even if a second hand model has to be sent back to the manufacturer.

2) The amp / amps must live in a space in a well ventilated cabinet, open back and full grill to front plus much ventilation above and below. Space is about 24 inches wide, 30 inches deep and 14 inches high for a mono. Height can be doubled for a stereo amp, e.g. a VTL s-400 will fit but Seigfried Monos will not. Heat should *not* been seen as much of an issue, size should - eg a Krell MRA would drop straight through the floor into the utility room.

3) Power should be enough for a dynamic sound in my 89dB efficient Sophias, but just enough is good enough as these will probably be replaced in the future.

4) Aggravation free, long warranties are good and local dealer support good too - so would demonstrations.

I don't mind tubes, solid state or hybrids. I mostly listen to jazz, indie and pop - actually anything apart from opera.

The budget:

$30,000 - I will consider second hand and I will consider cheaper if I can find it :o)

My own suggestions:

VTL s-400 or 450 monos. (UK distributor - DCS - is less than 5 miles away and will be able to demo at home during April)
Lamm 1.2 ref (No representation in uk :-( )
Audio Research 600's
Dartzeel - (My Wilson dealer carries them, and they look like they won't break, I should get a demo)
Other ideas MBL, Boulder, CAT

I'm not in a rush, probably want to buy in June, but I want to sort out some listening sessions. I *do not* intend to ever buy another amp, so it should be good for (or servicable) for next 20 years!
Gryphon, Lamm, and Essence are brands to consider. Essence would have to be second hand, if you can even find anyone willing to sell one. You may want to contact Dale Pitcher (www.intuitiveaudio.com) and see what he may have planned as upcoming offerings in the Intuitive Design Line, if you're really in no huge hurry. The Bear Labs amp that retails for 14,000 may be a consideration also, but I don't know for sure--it just looked good to me on paper.

Also, for that kind of money, you could probably almost COMMISSION a designer to build a pair of custom monoblocks for you.

It would seem that your choices should be abundant. Have fun.

Have you heard the new Chapter Audio Couplet mono's?Give Duncan a call.They are in Kingshill,Kent.
My recommendation for that kind of money would be McIntosh´s MC501 monoblocks, which would be even less than your budget, but sonically at the top, not running hot, being servicable in the long run
Have you had a listen to Chord Electronics? They are made in the UK. I'm running a pair of the SPM 6000 monoblocks driven by their CPA4000.Speakers are a tough load,B&W800. The amps once warmed up are glorious.All the detail and soundstage without grain delivered with a tubelike smoothness. Build quality to survive world war three and georgeous to look at.
Another vote for Pass Labs. They work well with Wilson speakers. The Vienna Philharmonic use this combo. If you like classical music the sound is amazing.