High end amp - my last step

I would like some opinions on buying an amp.

I have some unusual constraints, but a pretty healthy budget.

The constraints:

1) I'm in the UK - 230/240 volts must be available - even if a second hand model has to be sent back to the manufacturer.

2) The amp / amps must live in a space in a well ventilated cabinet, open back and full grill to front plus much ventilation above and below. Space is about 24 inches wide, 30 inches deep and 14 inches high for a mono. Height can be doubled for a stereo amp, e.g. a VTL s-400 will fit but Seigfried Monos will not. Heat should *not* been seen as much of an issue, size should - eg a Krell MRA would drop straight through the floor into the utility room.

3) Power should be enough for a dynamic sound in my 89dB efficient Sophias, but just enough is good enough as these will probably be replaced in the future.

4) Aggravation free, long warranties are good and local dealer support good too - so would demonstrations.

I don't mind tubes, solid state or hybrids. I mostly listen to jazz, indie and pop - actually anything apart from opera.

The budget:

$30,000 - I will consider second hand and I will consider cheaper if I can find it :o)

My own suggestions:

VTL s-400 or 450 monos. (UK distributor - DCS - is less than 5 miles away and will be able to demo at home during April)
Lamm 1.2 ref (No representation in uk :-( )
Audio Research 600's
Dartzeel - (My Wilson dealer carries them, and they look like they won't break, I should get a demo)
Other ideas MBL, Boulder, CAT

I'm not in a rush, probably want to buy in June, but I want to sort out some listening sessions. I *do not* intend to ever buy another amp, so it should be good for (or servicable) for next 20 years!
Hi Dmurfet:
I too use the Meridian 861 with WP 5.1(the WP7.1 coming late spring) drive by Lamm 1.1s.
I do agree with Cytocycle on the Lamm but I had the VTL S400 in my system before with Ayre K1 and I like the sound with Meridian 861 and Lamm much better. Maybe the WP 5.1 is brighter then the WP 7.1. But I just got the MBL 9010C and it put the system into the next level, given all the missing lower bass and the extended high. Yes, the Lamm is the fully balanced but I used the balanced out from the 861 anyway. You can try a pair MBL 9008 or 9011 if you need power but I think a pair of 9008 is already overkill for Sophia. BTW, I don't care about hte DSP8000. I had them in my system in NY for sometime. Let us know how you end up with. Stephen
*None* of the Meridian dealers carry dsp-8000 as a demo item, the UK market - I think - is not really the main focus for M.

I have an internet acquaintence who has a pair, I hope he will invite me round - I've sent him a message! If not I will have to go to the factory! (Only 30 miles, but they are not keen - that said I've already bought their most expensive processor, I will buy the 800 when they sort out which format to use = so they should give me the time of day!)

Homefuture - did you experience any hum when you ran unbalanced? Is it just my Krell? MBL are on my list, but don't figure very high - simply on availability!

I was posting on the Hikers site about 8000s they would really make life very easy - no cable worries, no amp worries, local support everything. Just last time I compared 7000 vs Sophia I preferred Wilson.

With respect to MBL being too much for Sophia, I recall a moment at the Heathrow Penta show 1990 where some huge Krell's were filling a large room (60' * 50') driving a pair of budget speakers (£150 max) and they sounded fantastic. As a result, this is why my budget for a power amp is so generous!
Driver...how did the new Ayre monos compare to your exp with the existing Ayre power amps? Anything quite different or just more power?
Hi Dmurfet;
I only run unbalanced to the side and rear but did not have the hum problem(Krell TAS). And I've try the BAT 6200 and the Citation 7.1 and never had any hum at all. Compare the DSP8000 and the Wilson WP 5.1 and I like the Wilson, too. I did try the digital route for speaker but still preferred analog speaker. If you can, do give MBL a good listen. A pair of 9008 or 9011 should last long time and I will put a stop for the power amp if I got pair of 9011.
Now I'm in a better position - tweeters are fixed and seem to be OK.

I spoke with my dealer about my choices and the best way to go about listening to them. He firstly suggested I should revise my list. I reason I respect his opinion is that he didn't just poo-poo anything he didn't distribute.

He did poo-poo, however - Boulder and the Meridian DSP8000.
The Meridian I have to listen to anyway given I know the guys at the factory and they are trying to help me.

He suggested out of my list that he recommended the Pass Labs, VTL, Dartzeel (which he said would be enough power for my speakers and room) and Lamm.

He also said I might consider something that was not on my list (that he does distribute) which was the Krell Evolution range. (New prices in the UK are hideously expensive - pounds=dollar price - so even with my budget I could only afford an Evolution 402 or stretch to 600)

The Evolution One costs about £50,000 or $90,000 over here!! For that I could get used MRA monos and swap the PSUs.

Has anyone heard the evolution range and how they compare with the others?

I think given the Krell import policy to the UK, I won't be getting value for money. VTL prices are comparable with the exchange rate as is the Dartzeel.