Recent cd players w/ analog output/volume control

I'm looking for a moderately (no more than about $1500 new or used) to inexpensively priced cd player that has a volume control with variable analog output allowing direct connection to an amp. So far, my research has revealed a relatively small handful of such cd players, most of which are older and/or discontinued. Does anyone know of any present or recent players having this capability? Thanks to any or all.
I have monoblock amps with their own volume controls. Speakers are 91db. Previously had the old Marantz 63 Special Edition cd player with volume control & analog output connected with no gain issues.
No Oppo player that I know of has variable out. let alone a volume knob. Maybe, it might be easier to find a Passive volume control unit. You could use a headphone amp with a passive input for volume control.
Also, The McIntosh Players DO NOT sound artifical or digitally amped up. In fact they sound warm and quite analog sounding ..very easy to listen to loud for long periods. Not that I'm a Mac rep or anything its just the way they sound.
ZD, he didnt say that the volume has to be analog, just that the analog output be variable. the volume can be whatever..if I understand oppus correctly. and I belive I do.
Look at the Audiolab, they have CD player that also incorporates a peamp, which should fit your bill. I think its around the $1500 mark new. And you get a full function preamp!