Totem Arros - Tube Amps ?


I am trying to help my frend with a 2 channel set-up for a medium room ( 15 x 12 x 8 ). We are considering Totem Arros. Which of the following amps will be a good fit:

1. Cary SLI-80
2. Primalune Prologue 2
3. VTL IT-85

I know that cary is a more expensive one....but we wan to consider the amp that best integarates with Arros. Musical preference is Vocals, Instruments and Jazz with occasional pop.

I first heard the Arros at the NY show driven by a Plinius. I asked Vince then & there and he assured me that I would be fine with my CJ MV-55.
BTW The Arros have been demo'd with a CAV-50.
(Also a private web site:
I may also suggest that you call Vince directly at Totem Acoustics; he is very helpful.
one more vote Conrad CAV 50. I drive Totem Model 1 with it, very convincingly. Most Totems, in my experience love CJ amplification.
Well, here's a different take....

I have a pair of Arro's in the bedroom (about 16x18 or so), and since I wasn't sure I was going to be keeping the Arro's on a lark I picked up a Sonic Impact Super-T.

I don't have anything to compare to with these speakers, but I've got to say that I think they sound absolutely stellar with this inexpensive little amp. Great clarity, non-fatiguing, musical, tight, punchy bass (and as extended as I'd want in a bedroom); overall tonally nicely balanced with no glaring oddities - drums sound like real drums, guitars sound like real guitars, saxes, horns, etc, all sound like the instruments I know well, and all sound like they're in the room with you. A smallish soundstage as the speakers are only about 3 feet apart, but still nice imaging. At about 10watts, you can't crank it, but in the bedroom I'd never want to anyway, and it's surprisingly loud anyway already.

I have a Red Wine Clari-T on the way that I think will up the ante some.

While my exposure to high-end amps is limited I'm really impressed with how this setup sounds. The speakers are really remarkable.
I have found the Arro's to sound best with warmer tube amps. The Jolida 302b is the best I've heard paired with them. I imagine that the CJ amps suggested here would also work well.


What subwoofers do you use with Totem Arros ?

I am assuming CJ CAV 50 has a subwoofer out. Can you please confirm ? Also with just 45 watts, can CJ CAV 50 drive Arros to room filling sound in a 20 x 20 x 8 room if it is paired up with a good matching subwoofer ?
