Recent cd players w/ analog output/volume control

I'm looking for a moderately (no more than about $1500 new or used) to inexpensively priced cd player that has a volume control with variable analog output allowing direct connection to an amp. So far, my research has revealed a relatively small handful of such cd players, most of which are older and/or discontinued. Does anyone know of any present or recent players having this capability? Thanks to any or all.
Look at the Audiolab, they have CD player that also incorporates a peamp, which should fit your bill. I think its around the $1500 mark new. And you get a full function preamp!
Matt...Your description of the sound of Mac players, particularly their easy to listen to quality, coincides with what I'd be interested in. There appears to be very little in the way of Mac cd players currently listed for sale here on Agon, so I guess I'll have to keep looking...And yes, you're correct about my wanting the analog output to be variable. Very kind thanks for the information, especially your impressions of the Mcintosh sound.
Call Mike Sastra ,he has a cd201 laying around that he will sell you or even a cd301 would also fit the bill. Mike is a great guy and tell him Matt Miller sent you (so he can charge you You souldn't pay more than 1500 to 2000 for the above mentioned models. Seriously, Don't pay more than that they are not worth more on used market. Mike will work with you I'm sure.