Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?

I own an Ayre V-5xe power amp and strongly consider a very good tube pre - or the matching K-5xe pre amp from Ayre. Any suggestions?
Frankpiet: I too am looking for a tube preamp to match the v-5xe and am looking to spend no more than $3K used. I have narrowed it down to 3: CJ LS 17 mark 2; Aesthetix calypso; and Hovland HP 100. I know that good results have been had with the Aesthetix and Hovland but has anyone mated the V-5xe with the CJ?
Russell..: in your case I would look for a late series HP-100. The Calypso was great in my system but the K-5xe with a few mods easily outperforms the Calypso except of the lowest octave and pin-point imaging (all Ayres I know miss the punch in this area).