Ayre / Aesthetix hum problems?

Hi. Does anybody know if matching an Ayre V-5xe power amp with an Aesthetix Janus/ Calypso tube pre-amp causes hum due to ground loop?
The Ayre is sensitive to power cables and break-in....don't make too harsh a judgement till 250 hrs. It gains warmth and presence with age. I had the VK30SE (not 31SE!) and the K5xe at the same time. The slam was better with the Ayre. The BAT did hightlight the midrange ever so slightly. The 31SE might be a lot better. I have not heard the ARC or Aesthetix.
Just to clarify, in the past there was a possibility of hum when using the Ayre V-5xe with the Aesthetix Saturn series (Calyspso and Janus) preamps and also certain other single-ended preamps. It took us a while to track this down as it depended on a number of factors lining up just right (wrong).

Last fall we reconfigured the ground scheme on the V-5xe (and V-6xe multi-channel amp) to ensure hum-free performance in all situations. Units with this update can be identified by the letter "M" in the serial number, either as the second character or the last character.

If you are having trouble with hum, please call Michael at 303-442-7300 x223 to schedule an update. There is no charge for this update. If your amp is not the "e" (evolution) version, you can have this update performed at the same time for a nominal fee.
Charles, thanks for your quick reply. As my V-5xe doesn´t include the "M" in the serial no. I´ll send it over sometime to let it be adjusted as soon as I have decided on Aesthetix or something different. It´s realy a pitty that the matching K-5x lacks (to my ears) a bit soundstage depth and warmth (body). Will the "evolution" upgrade solve this "problem" or will you be releasing a K-3xe with these attributes to fill the big price gap between K-5xe and K-1xe?
The "e" upgrade improves the sound quality of the K-5x noticeably. Whether or not this will result in sound that you like is only something you can say. As always, the best way to know is to try it for yourself in your own system.

In another post you noted that the Nagra preamp also lacked "warmth" and "body" in your system. I don't have direct experience with the Nagra, but the fact that it is a tube-type preamp would suggest that there is something else in your system that is causing the lack of "warmth" and "body".

In these situations, I normally look first to the tweaks and fine-tuning rather than the components themselves. It is important to make sure that the AC polarity of each of your components is correct. I believe that you are in Germany (Schuko plugs), so this is much easier than in the US.

Floating the units (disconnecting the AC mains ground) also can result in significant improvements in sound quality. (Ayre equipment made in the last several years does not require floating, as there is no connection to the AC mains ground.) However, please note that floating the ground connection can increase the risk of an electrical hazard in certain very rare situations. Do this step at your own risk.

Use of wood blocks as supports under all of your components (except loudspeakers) is highly recommended. Also use wood blocks under all cables, interconnects, and power cords that may be resting on the floor. This is especially important if your floor is carpeted.

Soundstage depth is usually improved via speaker placement. Check the Cardas web site for instructions on how to use the Golden Ratio to place your speakers.

Finally, many cables can cause the symptoms you have described. It may be worthwhile to try different interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords in your system.
Charles, thanks a lot for your input, which I highly appreciate! I´ve checked polarity - o.k. All power cords (Electraglide Epiphany) are of the ground. My equippment is resting on Stillpoints and has got rose quarz and Shakti stones on it. The V-5xe is directly connected to a HMS wall socket.
I´ll try to audition a new K-5xe as I want to build a musical pleasing system around the V-5xe and my Ayon Seagull Ceramique speakers.
Does it degrade the sound quality if I would pair eg. the V-5xe with an unbalanced tube pre amp eg. CAT SL-1, ModWright SWL 9.0 SE or First Sound Presence DeLuxe? If so, in which degree?
Whith which tube amps have you/your customers achieved great results?