What's a great multi format player under a $1,000?

Hey folks, I'm stumped. I would like to get a multi format player for under a grand. New or used, don't matter to me... much. Primarily for DVDA & DVD... though one that does the rest of the disc types would be great.. CDR, CDRW, photos, SAcd TOO, (what the hey), etc.

I'd also prefer one that you don't have to mod. My short list has Marantz, & Integra, on it. Yep. that's short, huh? OSD is a must. Decent video, great sound thru onboard proc & analog outs, are the preffferences. go figure. Multi channel isn't too high on the list but yeah, throw that in too as a oh, by the way aspect.

Many thanks.
Mdhoover, thanks. I didn't know about any issues with the 8.5 and certianly not like the ones you just said. I'd really had plans to get exactly that one... and now I'm not sure... currently the plan, dare I say it... is get the Sony 400 DVD carosel for Filing mostly.... and a DVDA/cd/cdr/??... so thankks.

You think the one you got might have a problem?

lastly, that Dotson DAC... better than the majority of the pack, or say the Benchmark? 'cause that BEnchmark seems a good buy... but I'm concerened about one of the reviews that said it's merciless in it's revealing of info on discs... or the way the reviewer put it gave me pause. I thought they needed better ICs or something personally.
When I said this:
"Sometimes it makes a vibrating sound, and I think it's mostly when playing SACD's. I don't know why."
I should have pointed out that this is not generally a very big issue, at least from the listening position. Since I don't have that many SACD's, it doesn't come up that much anyway. I've noticed it only a few times, and have no idea whether it's an overall design flaw in that model, or specific to my personal unit. The thing to do is to listen to one at the dealer and see if it does that when an SACD is put into it (or any other time, for that matter). I'd hate to be giving you a bum steer. I just don't think that the unit is going to sound like like a megabuck Wadia or something. How could it at that price?

Keep in mind, too, that the Onkyo unit IS capable of spectacular sound when it's used as a transport just feeding a bitstream to the DAC. The Onkyo works well with the Dodson and has the features I want, so I plan to keep it and don't at all regret buying it. It may be the best choice available for a universal player that also has a carousel and still has decent to good sound. I didn't say the unit is BAD, it just isn't SPECTACULAR (but, again, the Dodson goes a long way toward changing that). I have no complaints whatsoever about the DVD part of it; in fact it seems pretty darned good to me, but I'm also nowhere near as psychotically perfectionistic about video as I am audio. (Don't know why that is.)

The Dodson: My experience with other DAC's is zero, but people who "know" tell me that it's a spectacular unit, and one of the best ones out there. My ears tell me the same thing. I absolutely LOVE this unit! It's difficult to describe how excellent it is without resorting to audiophile cliches. It seems to improve dynamic range, detail, smoothness and musicality with no downside at all. Suffice it to say that I won't listen without it unless I have to. The Dodson 218 is said to be even better, but retails for close to 9,000 dollars. In fact, the 217 originally retailed somewhere between 4,000 and 5,000 dollars, but I got mine for less than 2,000. I consider it to be the greatest deal I ever got on Audiogon.

again, thanks. Thanks a lot. Price has a way most of the time of separating great from good, in audioland. I understand where the Integra is in that scheme. You've done no harm. In fact though you have allowed me to add another thought to my designs on digital playback... as well as has the folks at Benchmark... I don't know if ALL DAC's are 100% capable of eliminating 'jitter' from the transport, but given all theinfo I've seen lately they do a pretty good job at eliminating a bunch of it... and I've a fair transport already. Just not for DVD/DVDA, hence this little info request... and I'd simply not wish to throw tons of duckets at one either.

So thanks again. I understand.

Any one else having other thoughts on inexpensive multi format players out there that have above average capacity on their own for playback of the audio side of things?

I sure would like to know.
The Denon 2910 is well under that #, new, in stock form and I imagine the 3910 is as well, at least used.