best preamp ever - cost is no object

Hello there,

I am in the running for a new preamp, cost is no object.
Would appreciate to hear comments from you out there.
Thinking about Lyra Connoisseur 4.2 SE among others.
Poweramp is Tenor 150, speakers are Eidolon diamonds.
Thanks for your help and experience.

i have had audio research, lamm, first sound, the best by far i have ever heard is the mbl 6011, it does everthing right, with musicality and yourself a favor and listen to this beauty.
What with Bob Crump's passing this may no longer be an option (at least new) but the CTC Blowtorch would be on my shortest of lists.
Aesthetix Callisto Signature......... It's big (up to three boxes) heavy, and puts out some heat. At the point you are talking it's probably down to personal preference, but this one's got my vote.
