Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe

Knowing that both products represent a great value in their class I´m highly interested in their particular differences as I´m not able to audition them together.
Thanks for your input.
The K5xe is a good size step down in transparency, detail and overall resolution. The Calypso also sounds a little fuller and warmer in the best sense of the word.
I guess the bottom line is, it just isn't as musical.
When you take the Calypso out of the system, you miss it. Remove the Ayre and you say it was pretty good but it can be replaced. I think I can do better.
For solid state, the K5xe isn't bad at all. However, as I previously said, to compare the Calypso, you would have to move up to the K1xe which is much better than the K5xe.
It's really not fair to compare the K5.
Bigtee. Thanks. My local dealer said, the Calypso would perform even better when they would exchange the cheap Crystal attentuator with a realy good one. I thinks realy complex attentuators are used in Cello, Ayre, Ayon and Convergent gear - thats why the sound so good.
Frankpiet, I think your dealer is a little off base! The volume control in the Calypso is descreet resistors of very high quality. It is dual mono throughout. It must work because it sure sounds a hell of a lot better than the Ayre K5xe and personally, I think it sounds better than the K1xe. Can't beat tubes.
The Calypso is only outperformed by a handful of preamps available. I have made direct comparisons to many of them.
It is made of premium parts throughout(actually unbelievable quality considering the asking price and I really don't know how you would improve on it.) It makes the Ayre look cheap! Buy what you want is all I can say. It's certainly your money.
If you think the ones you have mentioned above outperform it---go for it!
Bigtee, you´re absolutely right - dealer comments sometime realy confuse. Unfortunately there are just a handful of dealers in Germany who carry Aesthetix gear - none in my area.
If voltage conversion wouldn´t be a big issue with the Calypso I´d buy a 110 volt unit in the US but then using a step up device could harm the sound - I was told. Any experience with step up devices and their impact on sonics ?
Call Jim White at Aesthetix. You can find his number listed under manufacturers on this sight. You will have to leave a message more than likely and he will call. Sometimes, it's as simple as changing taps on the transformer in the unit. I know he does have an export model.
You might could buy one from the US and have Aesthetix convert it for you or just have a dealer here order a 230v unit to sell to you.
I don't think you will need to use a converter if you work this right.