Did Krell ever produce an out standing CD player??

I was recently told to investigate Krell products if looking for new and better CD player. The Krell 505 and C28s were high/y recommended. Unfortunately, they were both over $5000, and more or less required a Krell pre-amp or integrated tricked out with CAST design circuitry which optimizes CD playback

However, I have read a few reviews about the newer Krell S350 which praised the overall performance of the player.

It retails for $3500, though may be discontinued. Has anyone ever owned this player?? Can it compete with CD players from Ayre, and Rega, possibly Ayon which are in the $3000-$3500 price range
Thankyou for the great feedback on the Krell S-350 player, congrats to you, I do not own one, as a advid Krell owner, I suspect many would agree with your findings, Happy Listening.
I used a Krell DVD Standard for years as a CD player. It sounded fantastic thru the balanced outputs.

As Joecasey mentioned, the transport needed replacing eventually. It played CD's fine, just would not play DVD's.

Anyway, I sent it in for the HDMI upgrade and transport upgrade. While it was getting fixed, I set up a MacMini and haven't looked back. Not one DVD was ever played thru the Krell and it now sits in a box in storage...