Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Gammajo, I mean the digital cable between the DAC and transport. I am sure the IC between a DAC/CD player and the preamp would also have a huge impact. Any cable or source before the preamp was the nature of my post.

It is always hard to put into numbers or percentages how much better a piece of gear sounds in a system. If I were to try I can say with assurance it is not some small single digit improvement here. It would be in the order of 20-35% better for me.

I agree with your assessment about the preamp being so revealing. I loved my un-upgraded 2.0 so much that I couldn't imagine it getting much better, but when I put a Fusion Impulse copper/silver foil power cord on it, I was in heaven. If heaven sounds better than this then take me now, dear Lord. (<;
I received my upgraded TP 2.0 prreamp this morning. I just hooked it up into the system and turned it on a few minutes ago. Way too early to give listening impressions as the preamp will probably need a few days to settle in, but initially, the first thing that I noticed is an increase in volume. I am getting the same volume at the 8 o'clock position as I was before at the 10 o'clock position before the upgrade. Did anyone notice this volume increase? I wonder if maybe the gain might be too much. I'll reserve impressions until a few days have passed. I will ask Victor about the gain when he and Joseph return and get re-settled from the RMAF show. I'm sure that they'll need to time to regroup. I do hope that they make some good contacts to help further the growth and expansion of Audio Horizons. I wish only the best for these gentlemen.
Well, I have about 32 hours on my upgraded Tp 2.0 to 2.1 preamp. So far, I'm not too impressed. The sound initially is much louder( more gain) with a larger soundstage and a more up-front presentation. Soundstage does indeed seem to be more 2-dimensional than previously experienced. Transparency seems to be improved with better delineation of detail. You can hear more background information(i.e. handclaps, individual instruments, singers) but my ears are missing some aliveness. The presentation I had previously with the 2.0 version gave me a sound that gave musical instruments and voices a "breath of life" sound that I'm not getting with this new upgrade. Stay tuned for more input after further break in.
Sherod, that is most interesting. I did not notice the same increase in volume as you. For me it was very slight.
For me the things you are missing came when I put in a new digital cable. Now I tried the new digital cable after more burn in then yourself. It can be that burn in really helped.

Give it more time to settle in and see what you find around the 50 hour mark. Hope you find it more to your liking as that is the point of the upgrade.

Love to hear more of your comments soon.
