Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Well, I have about 32 hours on my upgraded Tp 2.0 to 2.1 preamp. So far, I'm not too impressed. The sound initially is much louder( more gain) with a larger soundstage and a more up-front presentation. Soundstage does indeed seem to be more 2-dimensional than previously experienced. Transparency seems to be improved with better delineation of detail. You can hear more background information(i.e. handclaps, individual instruments, singers) but my ears are missing some aliveness. The presentation I had previously with the 2.0 version gave me a sound that gave musical instruments and voices a "breath of life" sound that I'm not getting with this new upgrade. Stay tuned for more input after further break in.
Sherod, that is most interesting. I did not notice the same increase in volume as you. For me it was very slight.
For me the things you are missing came when I put in a new digital cable. Now I tried the new digital cable after more burn in then yourself. It can be that burn in really helped.

Give it more time to settle in and see what you find around the 50 hour mark. Hope you find it more to your liking as that is the point of the upgrade.

Love to hear more of your comments soon.

I would like Victor or someone to help us understand what they have found for burn-in time and changes one can expect over that time.

Sherod, I find I am in agreement with your overall comments on the improvements and also what seems to be missing. More burn in gave me back more of the roundness and warmth to the music. However changing the cabling before the pre really made everything come together. I use the same cabling Joseph does - at least I think I do. I use 100% AH Transparency cabling throughout my system including power cords. I think AH uses the same and voices the preamp based on this wire.

These cords have more body and fullness then many others I have owned. The Music Metre Fidelus digital cable I used to use had more detail and a front row seating position. It worked very well with older 2.0 version. However, the more laid back and full sounding AH now works much better in my system. I have all of the fullness and life I used to have plus now I also enjoy the improvements you noted.

Seems to me the updated preamp has changed pretty dramatically and what used to work for cabling in one's system now may not. I know this will mean more time and effort for ideal system matching for some - yikes!!

I am pretty confident my comments are on point and would love to hear comments from Victor or Joseph.

I might have been premature in posting an impression. I just received an e-mail from Victor and since Joseph does extensive mods to the power supply along with the new wiring harness and output caps, Victor told me to hold off for at least 100 hours to make an impression. It just passed the 54 hour mark, so there is a ways to go. I'll be patient and give it more time.
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