Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
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I know that my upgraded preamp had no burn-in time on it. The minute Joseph finished the upgrades, he popped it into a box and got it on the first Fedex truck so that he could catch his flight to Denver for the RMAF show. I'm not complaining. It was either that or wait until he returned from the show to do the upgrade and return it to me then. Another week's delay would have killed me. I haven't heard from anyone of receiving anything but a new unit when they order from Audio Horizons, unless it's specified that its a demo unit, which I've only seen one up for sale recently. Then again, for those few preamps that are returned to Joseph, he's got to do something with them to resale. As to if he refurbishes them to be as new when he resales is another question. Victor is getting recuperative rest today after an exhaustive time at the RMAF show with Joseph. He just e-mailed me and told me soon that he would be posting here to clarify some things about the new preamp upgrades as well as tell us all some good news about some contacts he and Joseph made at the show.
I am also under the understanding that the trial period is 30 days , not 10. I also know Joseph would give longer then 10 days if asked for break-in.

Sherod, you are right about a more revealing cable revealing more of the break-in. Not sure if Joseph burned my unit in for a time or not. I do know it continues to sound better - more body and warmth to my ears with each day of additional burn-in.

I am loving all of the new detail and transparency.

Hope to hear you love the unit soon!

"Oh, the life of the continuously upgrading audio hobbiest. If only I could leave well enough alone sometimes."
Sherod if this is not the audio truth i dont know what is. I think its the explorer in guys that drives us to this end.
On the CCAs i understand your concern, with the cost of those tubes. Am i correct 10 thousand hrs for a NOS CCA, thats a long time. Mine came today but i wasnt home to sign for them. Tomorrow i will be finding out what the CCA magic is all about. Your quote above qualifies, the siemens that Joseph supplies with 2.1 are sounding very good. but i have to explore.
I love this hobby and quest for the best sound i can afford.
If you chime in Victor how did it go at RMAF.
Stltrains, if you have bought a good set of early 60's Siemens CCa, hopefully prior to their change-over to another owner( @ 1965-66), with the grey plates, etc. you are going to be amazed at the magical portrayal of music. You'll especially notice this in locations 1 and 3. You might consider keeping Joseph's Siemens in 2 and 4 locations. I actually preferred the one pair of CCa's in mix with a later A-frame Siemens E88cc.

Bill, the preamp just passed the 59 hour mark and I'm starting to get a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. A smidgen of life, warmth and body along with increased micro dynamics and transparency is setting in...but just a smidge. In my e-mail exchange with Victor, I mentioned that "breath of life"( one of my fave phrases) which was lacking. He explained that what I'm hearing is the natural compression and lack of air that is evident due to the lengthy break in until everything suddenly clicks in within the 100 hour mark. Apparently, the preamp will continue to further improve well after the 100 hours, but it will take up to the 100 hours just to get that "breath of life" which I'm missing. We'll see.