Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I do not find my upgraded version softer or recessed. My experience is just the opposite. Voices are more forward and symbals have more impact and decay. The 2.0 is softer sounding in my system to be sure.

The sound is not as round and warm as the original version yet. Like a little more BODY to the voices and hope burn in will do that.

Very interesting set of experiences between all of us thus far.

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I will look up the specs for my SS amp tonight. I am also getting a nice triode tube amp Friday and will play with that!

I also think the output or gain of the AH is an issue to look into. The version one owns and the use of XLR or RCA
connections perhaps changes the output or gain. Not sure if impedence changes.

Here are the specs from the AH site.

Frequency Response: 10 Hz to 50kHz +1/-2 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): 0.05% @ 1 kHz, -20 dBv, A-weighted
Dynamic Range: Better than 90 dB
Signal to Noise Ratio: Better than 105 dB
Channel Separation: 90 dB @ 1 kHz
70 dB @ 10 kHz
Gain 20 dB or 10dB with B upgrade
Output Impedance: Less than 600 ohms
AC Voltage: 120 Volts
AC Frequency: 50/60 Hz.

I have the upgraded B(balanced?) and N version and use the XLR connectors. The gain is 1/2 or only 10 db instead of 20 db for RCA. I am not a tech guy and perhaps this means nothing but having to turn the knob higher to achieve the same volume.

My B version XLR connections sound better in my system vs the RCA. It is easy for me to compare both as I own both AH RCA and XLR cables.

My AH DAC has two settings for output a low and high gain. I use the lower setting. Not sure if this has any impact?

Love to hear from Victor on this latest subject.

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I feel a bit uncomfortable mainly because I seem to be the only one so far who has issues with the new, upgraded preamp( besides yourself, that is). I just want to make sure that all is okay before I make any final assessments. I'm currently communicating with Victor who is awaiting a response from Joseph on what I can do to determine why I am hearing what I'm hearing.