Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Thanks Stltrains and others for the comments. I believe Victor is going to send a pair of the Dimension IC cables for me to try when I audition the TP2.1 preamp. I will be comparing them against my Purist Aqueous Anniversary cables in the position from source to preamp. I appreciate the shielding and vibration efforts reported to have gone into the consruction of the AH cables, but I was curious that I could find no reference to the type of wire used (silver, copper or an alloy).
Mitch here is a email i received from Joseph regarding the differences in Transparency and Dimension, this was last month. Maybe he doesnt want the conductor material known, not sure though. Maybe he will chime into this discussion.

The geometry is total different in between them, Dimension takes double time to build and the material.

I would like to comment on some of the remarks made about the Audio Horizons website's inadequacy. Joseph and I couldn't agree more and we are working to correct it. Our problem is both time--Joseph has little to spare--and money. Again Joseph has little to spare. Still we are in the process of redesigning the website from scratch, includng the retaking of our photos, whose quality is modest at best. It is a big project for us to understake, but hopefully in the next thirty to sixty days you will begin to see the consequences of the changes.

Meanwhile, I encourage those of you who have questions which are not answered either in our ads or on the website, to please contact me. I'll do my best to answer. And if I can't, I will put the question to Joseph.

Meanwhile, I want to thank all of you for your continuing enthusiasm and support. Joseph and I both appreciate it.

Hi Victor, thank you for your concern with providing us the most complete information you can. I know your posts here are much appreciated, but please don't sweat the website. Building a website is like painting the Golden Gate Bridge...once you finish it's time to start over again. Besides, if the website answered all our questions, we wouldn't have as much to talk about on Audiogon. I was simply curious regarding some of the technical aspects of the cables, and specifically the wire material - copper, silver or alloy. I realize some of that information may be propriatory, and that's ok too. The other reason for my post was to get some user feedback, specifically on the Dimension IC's, and the difference between the Dimension and the other AH lines, prior to my audition. Those are questions I wouldn't normally bother you guys with, since your time is better spent building equipment and cables.
Mitch, I am trying the Dimension IC cable in my system again. I currently own his Transparency cable and use it throughout my system - power, IC's and speaker cable. I tried the Dimension before and prefered the Transparancy in my system at that time. I have a new room and amps so I want to compare them again.

I found the Dimension a little darker sounding in my old system. The Transparency cable sounded more like it's name.
It could be the Dimension cable was not fully broken it. We will see.

Still looking forward to the coming AH tube amp!!!!
