Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Charlie, glad to hear that without any burn in you love the upgraded DAC. That is a great DAC and I am sure it is now something very special.

I have an idea for you if your amps are on the floor. Place them on Sistrum SP 004 stands and then place about 2 pounds of clean sand in a nice zip lock bag and place on top of your amp. The Sistrum stands the 003's or 004's can be had for about $150 each used.

Now listen to your system. Wait until you have some 200 hours on the DAC before doing this amp tweek. You will be very pleased!
Yes indeed Bill. Likein this upgrade a lot. Just over 20hrs on it and I would already rate it as very, very positive! I can already verify two things that have been said in previous posts.

Cedar's post where he talks with Joseph about harmonic alignment is pretty much right on. The issue I mentioned earlier about presentation was not articulated correctly. What I was trying to say was instruments seemed a bit over emphasized compared to voices. This condition varied depending on recordings but it was noticeable to me. It is now a thing of the past.

Sherod’s comments about this upgrade being a “no-brainer “is also right on. Detail and clarity is just outstanding already. It gives the illusion of better musical dynamics simply by hearing more and being presented in a smoother and more refined way.

Sand on my amps??? Have you had a few too many this weekend? lol
It seems a lot had been discussed about this AH preamp in here. Yet my question to your guys is:
Are this AH preamp that good:
Some of the contenders I have in mind and experienced with:
Sonic Frontiers Line 3
Canary CA-903
Also, I have noticed that Grannyring he had recently replaced this AH with the TRL Dude, right?
I am lost, please help
Hi Robert,
No reason to feel lost. It's quite simple. E-mail or call Victor or Joseph to make arrangements for an audition. AH has a money-back return policy if you aren't happy with the preamp in your own system.

I did replace my AH with the TRL Dude, but my AH preamp did not have the latest upgrades available from AH. I think his latest with all available upgrades would cost well over $4500. The Dude cost $3500.

I would like to compare the two someday and may.

Charlie, no I don't drink at all and I know it sounds a little strange, but the tweek with sand bags really helps some amps - not all amps :-)

The Sistrum stands are the real deal on all gear and speakers I have ever tried them under.