Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I have a brief report for you regarding development of the Audio Horizons power cord and the preamplifier.

In my 1/21 post I described the results of power cord testing that involved two different connector types (Wattgate and Furutech) and two different lengths of power cord (1m and 2m). Based on those comparisons, I preferred the Furutech connector and the 2m cable length.

Later Joseph returned with another 1m version of the power cord. I gathered he believed that cable capacitance had adversely affected the 1m performance in the first test. For this second test he had adjusted the 1m cable capacitance. The result was a performance that I could not distinguish from the 2m cable of the first test. Subsequently, I purchased three 1m power cords (with Furutech connectors) to power my DAC, preamp, and power amp). The most pronounced effect in my system has been to sharpen the focus of individual instruments (their discrete location) on the sound stage.

Joseph returned with a modified preamplifier, too. I believe I listened to what will be produced as the TP 2.2. I did not get to listen to the preamplifier for very long. I believe that Joseph came to listen for some particular effect in my system.

Although I cannot yet articulate the effect I heard, I can tell you what my reaction to it was. I lowered the volume setting of my system. I did so without thinking about it - it just seemed at the moment to be the right thing to do. I could hear a musically satisfying performance with all attributes (detail, large soundstage, etc) at a lower volume level.

After a brief listening session, Joseph asked for my reaction. I told him what I have just told you. He was not surprised, he said, because he had done the same thing with his own system.

My interpretation is that the change in the preamplifier allowed my system to work more effectively. Some masking noise or signal imbalance had been eliminated and, consequently, the system delivered a satisfying result with less effort.
Did Joseph mention if he'll have an upgrade program for current owners for the new TP 2.2? I'm curious what changes have been made to the new 2.2 preamp. Are you getting yours upgraded?
Joseph did not discuss with me an upgrade program to the 2.2 It didn't come up in our conversation. He follows a produce development process that is, I'm sure, clear to him. But I can't tell when Joseph is finished with the process.

I have upgraded my preamplifier and DAC as upgrades have been released. But I wait until Joseph suggests that an upgrade may be appropriate for my system. Such a suggestion from Joseph indicates to me that he is done with his development work.

I sense he must be close to it now. Victor would be a better information source, perhaps.
Thanks Cedar so what was talked about months ago with 2.1s upgrade is now 2.2 and thats different than what was done with the power supply and other parts of 2.1 then is that right. I use Dimension power cords Cedar can you compare with Josephs new design. just checked the web site and theres nothing new there. will keep an eye on this thread.
I'd like to see Joseph design and produce an integrated amp based on his vacuum tube designs. It would be glorious!