Tube amp $2-3K used

I am in the market for a tube amp for my system. My speakers have separate bass units and sattelites. I have a high current SS amp for the bass units. What I am looking for is an amp that could give me 25-50 watts in Triode (although I am still trying to learn about ultralinear VS triode) mode or 60-100 watts ultralinear. My choices seem to be:
Rogue magnum 120-150
BAT vk60 or vk75
Cary V12 or rocket
Music reference
CJ mv 60
Quicksilver V4
I was also looking at the the AES sixpack but I heard they weren't the easiest amps to adjust bias on.

I listen to classical orchestra mainly, but I like to boogie with 60's to 70's rock as well. Any general suggestions?
you that listed lots of primo equipment. the boogie factor would be totally dependant on loudspeakers though.
Hopefully, Russ (Rcprince) will chime in here - he owns these speakers as well. I am quite impressed with their sound of his, the imaging is haunting. And, the priest who designs them is also a member of the NJAS, you may want to ask him, if Russ can put you in contact with him - Father is very open and honest.
Sonic Frontiers Power 2, better than ARC VT-100 of any versions in most area for less money used.
The ARC amps are out if your not into doing some work to bias....... This does cut down on your choices considerably. Maybe the amp you hould look at is the Sonic Frontiers, like Semi Say's. It biases from the top using LED's that tell you when your good to go. They are decent amps, and you can get them serviced by the Parts Connexion guy. I have owned one of these amps (Power 2SE) and ended up selling it for an ARC VT100II becouse I thought the ARC sounded better........ Having said that though, the SF is a lot easier to keep up with.

Assuming the impedance doesn't drop appreciably below 8 ohms the Atma-Sphere M-60 II.2 could be an excellent choice and it is in your price range used. Extremely easy to bias, works very well with inexpensive output tubes (doesn't require matched pairs or quads), reliable and has the OTL transparency unmatched by any of the other amps you listed. Does your crossover allow you to run balanced? What preamp are you using?