Buzz/Hum from Cary SLI-80

When I turn on my Cary, a electronic hum is immediately audible. It does not increase in volume when I increase the volume control. It is not loud, but distinct. When I turn on the CD player, the hum remains. When I play a CThe hum is present in either Triode or UL mode. The Cary is plugged into a PS Audio UPC 200, which is plugged into silver outlet in wall. This is not a big problem, but shouldn't it be dead silent when I turn on the Cary? Could it be the tubes? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks
I used to own an SLI-80 and it was silent. Is there a cable tv coaxial cable nearby causing the hum?
Should be dead quiet. Make sure transformers are not loose. But be careful to discharge power capacitors before opening the unit, as the voltages are dangerous. Also, call Cary for technical assistance. Good luck.
Sounds like a ground loop to me. Try a 3 prong to 2 prong adapter on the AC cord. Also called a cheater plug. You can get them almost anywhere. Radio Shack, Home depot, the grocery store...