A CAT SL-1 is not balanced and has no remote, but, in my opinion, absolutely blows away the BAT 51SE sonically. The CAT Utimate has much better dynamics, extension and just a much better midrange. Anyway, that's my opinion. Other pres which don't fit your requirements, but which sound good are:
First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II - stunning dynamics, low-level detail and transparence, terrific female vocals. No remote and not balanced.
Ayre K-1Xe - balanced and has remote, but not a tube pre.
Haven't heard the latest model, so I cannot really comment sonically. Earlier model was slightly to the cooler side of neutral, but had great timbre and separation of instruments. Earlier model was a little soft on dynamics, but I heard this has long since been "corrected".
I would check out some of the solid state, no remote and single-ended entrants before simply ruling them out. You might find, after listening, that these are indeed worth consideration. If the answer is still no, then sorry for interrupting.