Nice looking - for living room?

I'm looking to add a second system this year, up in the living room. The room is 12 x 20. It will be used at lower levels - party/dinner accompaniment and lower level listening. The constraints: $8K MAX, must be Nice To Look At(as decreed by my boss).
Pieces needed: CD player, amp/pre, small (or thin) speakers. I'm thinking maybe Salk or Tyler speakers, tube amp/pre, CD - I dunno? I think in terms of looks, Sim Supernova with their new integrated (I7?) is pretty cool looking and totally integrated - but of course all SS. And would blow the budget. Pretty damn good solid state, though. I would entertain used, but probably not on the player.
Please, unleash your thoughts!
Disclaimer: I'm selling a pair... but for looks, it's hard to beat the Shanling SP-80 tube amps, and of course the Shanling CD-T100 player is just as special. Maybe they would be your boss' style if the Sims were out of the question.
It sounds like your wife wants something that is inconspicious, given how it is going to be used. Why not consider an all in one piece like the Arcam Solo which is solid state or the Audio Analogue Enigma which uses tubes. Either piece will run you a max of $1500 new, which frees up a lot of cash for speakers.

As for speakers, I like the Focus Audio FS 68se which have both sound and looks to die for. They run about $2000.

Regards, Rich