Does DK Design actually design and manufacture?

Or are they a packager of existing products?
I've seen many a response here on Audiogon over the past 6 or 7 years that I have been here. Solid state is better than tube, OTL better than transformers, SET better than high power, electrostatics better than dynamic speakers, vinyl better than CD, NOS better than new production, cable can't possibly make a difference, you can't meausure it but I sure as heck can hear it, and on and on and on, as well as the converse to every one of those.

A lot of answers, a lot of opinions. Some have been polite, and some have been inflammatory. Some I have felt compelled to respond to, and others that I have not.

The one response I never understand is when someone says you have no business asking the question. Audiogon would NOT be Audiogon unless we did ask the questions, and question the answers.
Post removed 
It would have been appropriate, Evita. But, no, this is the thread where I intended it.
Shamburg it seems like you have an agenda when you ask a question to which, based on your second post, you already know the answer.

Why are you asking this question?