Thanks for the help people!!Perhaps when i get some more coin together i will spring for those Sophia Electric Princess's.Does anybody have any experience between their standard Princess and their premium Princess 300B?There is definitely over $100 difference for the premium.I think it is near the $450 a pair range.Getting pretty pricey for me for those tubes but apparantly people seem to think they are worth it.How much life do you get out of tubes like these?
Thanks for the links.Very interesting and news to me and perhaps a direction to look towards.Also was recommended the EH 2A3 but also understand it is not in the same league as the Sophia but also alot less money.Any thoughts on the EH2A3 compared to the Sovtek from anybody.I know Stew has had some comparisons but was wondering if anyone else compared them as well?
Thanks for the links.Very interesting and news to me and perhaps a direction to look towards.Also was recommended the EH 2A3 but also understand it is not in the same league as the Sophia but also alot less money.Any thoughts on the EH2A3 compared to the Sovtek from anybody.I know Stew has had some comparisons but was wondering if anyone else compared them as well?