Wright WPA 3.5's What's Next?

I am the owner of these amps and was wondering if anyone has owned these and moved on to better things?Can anyone suggest an amp that they have preferred over these mono's for their efficient(Horn speakers 103db)system.Not looking to break the bank either i should add.I was going passive using the EVS nude attenuator and recently switched to the Eastern Electric Minimax active preamp.Am i barking up the wrong tree in thinking about moving on from these amps?i think i am trying to gain a bit more lushness PERHAPS.My system does sound really nice but was wondering just what might be the next step for me guys?My system is posted but i haven't added the Minimax to the list yet as i was still auditioning it and i think it is a keeper over going passive.
Thanks for the help people!!Perhaps when i get some more coin together i will spring for those Sophia Electric Princess's.Does anybody have any experience between their standard Princess and their premium Princess 300B?There is definitely over $100 difference for the premium.I think it is near the $450 a pair range.Getting pretty pricey for me for those tubes but apparantly people seem to think they are worth it.How much life do you get out of tubes like these?
Thanks for the links.Very interesting and news to me and perhaps a direction to look towards.Also was recommended the EH 2A3 but also understand it is not in the same league as the Sophia but also alot less money.Any thoughts on the EH2A3 compared to the Sovtek from anybody.I know Stew has had some comparisons but was wondering if anyone else compared them as well?
Well i finally have gotten the means to purchase the Sophia Princess 300B 2.5 tubes for the Wright 3.5's.I only have about 5 hours on them so far and i have to thank you guys who recommended this tube to me.If this tube continues to get better up to 300 hours of break in then i am in for one joyful ride i do believe.The amount of lushness i was looking for is here now.Very nice!The sound is nice and inviting top to bottom.Everyting has been improved thus far or as for what i was looking for i should add.Great tube so far and thanks again for the recommendation!!Yeah i am sitting back at my computer which is way out of the sweet spot and i am constantly looking around and listening with a smile on my face now.VERY NICE!! : )
Still looking for advice from you guys or help with my system to take it even further from here.Just how far can this thing go without getting crazy with the cash is the question i am asking myself now after just this fine tube replacement?

What kind of Sophia Electrc did you get?

Are you still enjoying them? Ordered a pair for my Dared 300b amp, and am wondering if I made the right choice...
