Where Can I Get Custom Made Foam for Speaker Box?

I have a pair of Mirage OMD 28. One of the shipping boxes had to be thrown out after a basement flood. I found a company that will make me a matching box but they don't make foam or styrofoam for their boxes. I need a company who can make foam that will mold around or fit around an 83 lbs speaker inside a box and hold it securely. The Mirage speakers have a rounded cabinet. Any ideas?

you can buy 1" or 2" thick 4' x 8' panels of foam at Home Depot. You should be able to make one of these work.

I would use foam instead of bubble wrap...

good luck
+1 Philojet. The Great Stuff foam is EXTREMELY STICKY and it expands more than you think, even when warned. If it gets on the speaker, fughedaboudigt.
I use that spray foam often and will suggest to you, no warn you, not to use it. It gets on everything unless you are experienced with using it (even then it always seems to get on something). And like Swampwalker says, it always expands way more than you think. Yeah, even the low expansion version. If it gets on something, it WILL NOT come off.
Hi Foster 9

Jameswei is got it right. I actually work with spray foam and here is my suggestion. First wrap/bag your speaker with plastic,place it in the box and then spray foam the gaps.The stuff expands a lot so don't use much,the only thing that cleans uncured foam is lacquer thinner.Be careful not to overspray on on surfaces thought,so do it outside.