Tube rolling in Cayin A-88T

Anyone changed out the stock KT-88 tubes?What have you found that beats the stock jobs?..I understand Cayin uses the Shuguang KT-88. As good as these are, they are the 3 hole plate which is said to be inferior to the solid plate version. Can anyone comment in regards to what they are using? Thanks.
i am Cayin A-88t user almost 1 year.i am very happy with the stock KT-88 tube, i find out that stock tube is exact design like U.K you can see the same type
KT-88 tube are very popular.It use on: VAC,Quicksilver.....
this KT-88 Tube use in the Cayin A-88t amp is musical, warm,rich, powerful tube,
is like music with all the good's there !! why change !
or may be i buy new quads same tube to replace the old....
I also own this great amplifier. In addition to the stock tubes, I own a quad set of tung-sol re-issues 6550, and a quad set of Svetlana KT-88's. Both sets outperform the stock tubes handily. the Tung-sol are lush and a bit warm-sounding, but have midrange to die for. The Svets are more neutral and give the Cayin a solid-state like low end bass. I don't think you can go wrong with either of them.

As much as I enjoy this amp, I may have to sell it to go (reluctantly) back to a solid state system, as I need something that can stay powered up all the time. I only listen to 1-2 tracks at a time, once or twice a week..

Try these tubes and be happy!
Audiolverb..Thanks for your insight.

Soniqmike... Sorry that you may have to sell it..though I understand your point here. Another read of a thread somewhere mentioned that the EH tubes were not as good as stock.. and I always found the EH tubes very good in any amp I used.

Now,the New Tung Sol 6550 is said to be a better tube in the mids. Does it match the bass in the Cayins stock Kt-88?

Im assuming your speaking of the Svet =C= winged C tube. that you liked. I think Id rather have the mids of the Tung Sol as long as it doesnt suffer on the bass....Many thanks.
Sorry for the late response....The stock tubes are actually not too bad. The Tung-Sol are great in the bass also, I would say better than the stock tubes, but it's a toss-up. Yes, we are talking about the C-winged Svets. My tubes are Upscale Audio labelled on the box.

I keep the stock tubes installed for my occasional 2-3 tracks at a time during the week and for FM listening during dinner ( Cayin tuner, nice. ). Come Firday night, I might put in the Svets, keeping the Tungs in almost unused condition in their box. But if I have a hard-edged or badly recorded, bright cd I wish to listen at length, they come into action...ah, the beauty of tubes.

These last two quads sets (Svets and Tungs) have limited usage.

Hope you like your Cayin A 88-T, nice machine isn't it ?
Thanks Mike! Yes indeed. Been around many amps over the years and always seem to find that well designed modest power tube integrateds offer the nicest sound. My other favorite was the Manley Stingray, which does well by the music with a punchy mid bass and smooth highs. The A-88T is much better in resolution and has better image and soundstage abilities, as well as deeper bass with the Kt-88's. The level of refinement of the sound is amazing, especially concidering its sub 2K price.. Seamless and coherent driving my Usher 6371's.

I took your advice and scored both quads of the Tung-Sol and Svet Winged "C" Kt-88's..It should keep me tuned in for awhile. The Cayin 17A CD is also another nice piece. Highly resolving and dynamic without glare or artificial edge, which I distain about digital. Only the Rega Apollo did this as good, but doesn't have quite the Dynamics of the 17A. Im trying some 1972 vintage orig. Tesla Mil. Spec. E88CC in the player which should out do the stock Russian 6922 EH.

Overall, Cayin is highly musical and complete in its portrayal of the music, which suits me very well!....Ken