Tube rolling in Cayin A-88T

Anyone changed out the stock KT-88 tubes?What have you found that beats the stock jobs?..I understand Cayin uses the Shuguang KT-88. As good as these are, they are the 3 hole plate which is said to be inferior to the solid plate version. Can anyone comment in regards to what they are using? Thanks.
I just got one Cayin A-88T, unbelievably it sounds a bit harsh compared with my TEAC DR-L700, a tube amp !!!

Should I use supports with it, or is it unecessary ?
Lowrider, How much time do you have on the amp? Break in of tubes as well as the amp itself is quite important. If you have less than 100 hours on a new tube amp I'd reserve judgment. Ultimately though you might roll in some warmer power tubes (I like SED KT88's) and/or some NOS small tubes.
"harsh compared to TEAC". Are you refering to TEAC that japanese c**p that came out in the 70's?
Spam. The Cayin needs zero breakin time btw Newbee.
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Spam? Reconsider your musings about Tyler speakers and the Cayin Amps. Frankly, that IMHO, is SPAM. You have no first hand knowledge of either yet you ponder on, an on, and on to the benefit of no one except yourself by seeing your thoughts in print!

Sorry, but I'll spare you the dubvious benefit of advise or comments in the future. :-(