Which amp matches best my JM Lab Mezzo Utopia ?

I have clearly a predisposition to single ended and Class A design. Push pull does not apply. The speakers are a demanding load though. They go down to 3.8 ohms.
I read somewhere that it's not recommended to use SET amps with speakers that have impedance below 8 ohms.
If using a balanced amp on the unbalanced input : do both halves of the amp operate or not? If only one half of the balanced circuit and no intention to use a balanced source then buying a balanced amp is a loss of money. Anybody?
Sensitivity of the Mezzo is stated to be 92.5 dB. It is measured up to 2.8v. In 4 ohms this is not watt/meter. 2.8 v makes it watt/meter in 8 ohms. The sensitivity of the Mezzo up to watt/meter is somewhere 3dB less - 89.5 dB as the reviewers have measured it and stated it does not correspond to specs but without explaining the reason.
thats not vey demanding load i would get something soft in the top end for the jm labs
I am using Jadis JP200MC AND JA500 4 ohms. I think this is the best matching in my Mezzo Utopia system especially the mid range and bass is perfect. I don't think low watt or single end can control the bass. If you prefer low watt a smaller room may be accaptable.